The Advantages Of Creating An Online Business As A College Student

college, online business

Are you a college student? You are? Did you know it’s possible to make a large amount of money while paving the way to a better career? If you’re a smart college student. You’ll know that establishing a career through an online business is the smartest decision you can make.

An online business is a way for you to start a business on the internet by either selling your services or product. It may seem difficult, but with enough effort and careful planning. A college student can fully establish a business that can give them a larger advantage in the job market. It can even be a permanent replacement for a 9-5 job.

There are tons of college internet marketers that has fully established their online businesses. A few examples of them are:Onibalusi Bamidele, and Amal Rafeeq.


There are tons of benefits to starting a business at an early age:

  1. It establishes your personal brand before your graduation. It’s extremely helpful if your career (Designing, Writing, Architecture, etc.) is dependent on establishing a brand.
  2. It looks good on your résumé; creating an online business essentially helps add more experience on your résumé.
  3. Creates an alternative source of income. If you’re Scared that you’re not going to land a job when you graduate. An online business gives you an alternative source of income if you’re unable to land a job in the future.
  4. Grants a large source of income. A large misconception about an online business is that there’s barely any profit in it. If you dedicate your time and patience on an online business, you’ll be surprised at how much profit you’ll be making. There are actually number college students that are making a minimum of $4,000 a month just by having an online business. If this isn’t enough to hook you. You probably have a problem.
  5. It doesn’t require any previous experiences. So don’t worry, there are no job interviews here. An online business is a learning experience; the more you learn, the larger your income would be. I’ve even seen 16 year olds start an online business themselves.

Investing money on your career is necessary. It doesn’t have to cost you too much. There are cheap ways to launch your online business. But you should invest money in creating a website. It’s the bare minimum for establishing an online business and it doesn’t cost you as much. Now, that we’re on that topic the best way to start an online business is through a website. Because, if you place a blog on your website, you can bring traffic and customers to your site through your content.

Google has changed their algorithm this 2014, the best method of promotion that barely costs anything is Guest Blogging. It’s a cost-free promotion that brings a large traffic to your site as long as you provide great content. Otherwise, you’ll be penalized.

How Do I Find Time for It?

Sure, an Online business is great. But there can be students that are really busy with their school work, work, or social lives. If you’re one of them, you can still find time for your online business. Here are three different kinds of people and how can they properly make use of their time.

The Free Hawk

The Free Hawk is someone with a lot of free time. This is the person who has so much time in college that they have barely anything to do with their college life. This is the type that gets the most out of their online business. Make use of your time to create an online business. If you have this much freedom, creating a list of things to do within a day should be enough. It doesn’t need to be detailed, just make sure it separates your college and business life.

Bare Minimum

In a nutshell, this is me. I have a number of things to do within a day. I have classes, programming, socializing and Gym. It’s hard to find time for my online business. But I still do. How? It’s by creating a more detailed to-do list. Not just any to-do list. This is dependent on how much work you want to do within a day. Learn completely separate your college, social, and business time as possible. My to-do list consists of everything I have to do by the hour. It’s extremely detailed because I expect big money from my online business while passing my subjects in college.

I have no time

There are people who barely have any time for anything. This is the third option for the people who are extremely busy with their part-time jobs, school work, or various things that take a large amount of their time.

The One Hour A Day is method I learned from Writers In Charge. It’s a method where you spend at least bare minimum of an hour on your online business. It might seem like a useless effort. But it isn’t. Every single small step you take, gets you closer to your destination.The more you build your build and market your brand in an hour daily, the more useful it would be in the future. Sure, the results won’t be as fast as the ones above but you’ll be establishing your career while having a source of income.

It’s a great idea to start an online business in college. A lot of internet marketers wishes that they started their online businesses as early as you. Don’t waste this golden opportunity. Start an online business now and create a long lasting career.