Office pets: they’re the cat’s meow, the bee’s knees, the gnat’s elbow, the monkey’s eyebrows, the duck’s quack, the turtle’s neck, the dog’s b*llocks… You get the point.
And you don’t have to take my word for it!
There has been much scientific research on the topic, with all studies and experiments reaching the exact same conclusion: pets in the workplace are good for employee morale. They also help reduce stress, encourage collaboration, increase productivity, promote good health and, in effect, keep employee turnover rates low.
Simply put: they belong in the workplace.
But just which animals exactly make the best office pets?
1. Cats
As far as I’m concerned, cats should be in every workplace. (Can you tell I’m a cat lover?)
One particular company seems to agree with me: Ferray Corporation, an internet solutions business based in Japan, which has not one, not two but nine resident felines free to roam around the office. Although they’ve pulled out plugs, chewed away on internet cables and clawed the walls (even I will admit that cats can be a**holes), the Japanese firm has seen an increase in productivity while staff report decreased stress levels.
They’re not the only company to keep cats as pets, though: Poopy Cat (a cat accessory company based in the Netherlands), Mars (a global confectionery and pet food manufacturer headquartered in the United States) and Blue Cross (a registered animal charity in Oxfordshire) are just a few more.
Cats may not be low maintenance pets, but they’re definitely cute and fluffy, and they can keep you entertained for hours. Did I mention that they’re also cute and fluffy?
2. Dogs
When it comes to pet ownership in the UK, dogs beat cats by 13 million to 12 million according to a recent survey – but that doesn’t mean they’ve won the Great Dog vs Cat War, of course.
Nonetheless, dogs make excellent pets (not just in the office) as they’re loyal, friendly, playful, goofy and just fun to be around. But, owning a pooch comes with a lot of responsibility – more than owning a cat (just saying) and can be a little physically demanding, as you’ll have to take him out for frequent walks. The good news is that you’ll be able to share this responsibility with your workmates.
Even better news is that many businesses – both big and small – have office dogs, so if you’re currently on the job market, you might want to start your search at companies like Amazon, Build-a-Bear, Google and Nestlé!
3. Fish
Fish are enjoyable and low maintenance companions and will make a great addition to your desk. Having said that, your selection of fish will be limited by space and lack of sunlight.
Here are a couple ideas:
- Betta fish: A single male or a group of two to three females will do. Males can be aggressive and will sometimes become highly possessive of their territory if it is trespassed by rivals (there’s an excellent reason why they’re also called Siamese fighting fish). Because Bettas (pictured) go to the surface for oxygen, they don’t need a filtered fish tank, but you’ll have to clean it at least once a week.
- Guppies: These brightly coloured fish are incredibly inexpensive – where you’d typically pay £15 for a male Betta, you’ll be able to pick up a group of five guppies for the same price! A word to the wise, though: don’t get male and female guppies, unless you want enough for every cubicle in the office.
Goldfish, meanwhile, should be out of the question. Despite popular belief, they do not ‘grow to the size of their tank’; when properly cared for, they can grow to be quite large!
4. Tortoises
Tortoises aren’t what you’d normally call cuddly, you can’t teach them tricks, they’re asleep for half the year and they don’t exactly come cheap (a 5cm juvenile will set you back some £100). But they’re still fascinating creatures and have been a common family pet for almost 50 years.
They can live for up to 150 years (though an Aldabra giant tortoise named Adwaita is estimated to have been the longest living tortoise when he died in 2006 at the age of 255) and can grow to be quite large: up to two metres long!
Meanwhile, alligator snapping turtles (cousins of tortoises) do not make very good office pets, as evidenced by this short skit by Diply.
5. Rabbits
Rabbits are highly social, playful, inquisitive and intelligent animals, making them one of the best office pets there is. They enjoy interacting and playing with other friendly rabbits, and many also enjoy interacting with people (for example, through gentle petting).
If you’re worried about any smell or mess, don’t. Rabbits are actually very clean animals and can be trained to use a litter box to drop all their urine and droppings in one place, making the whole cleaning process a much easier one for you.
A healthy diet is essential for their health – make sure that good quality hay or grass (or both) make up the majority of your rabbit’s diet to avoid serious dental disease. They’ll also need regular and frequent opportunities to exercise every day to stay fit and healthy if you keep them in a hutch.
6. Geckos
Who would’ve thought that reptiles could be cute?
There are some 2,000 different species of gecko found all over the world, with the leopard gecko (pictured) being the most common to be kept as a pet. They’re quite docile, easy to tame and they require little maintenance.
Leopard geckos won’t eat plants or vegetables, and live insects like crickets are a must. But, all insects must be given a nutritious powdered diet for at least 12 hours before being fed to your gecko. This is essential for their health. Adults can be fed every other day and left alone for a weekend.
Geckos can live for 6 to 10 years, though many males live for 10 to 20 years. They will drop their tail when they feel threatened (which is why you should never, ever hold them by the tail) but don’t worry: it’ll grow back.
7. Budgies
There are three main reasons why keeping a budgie (short for budgerigar) as an office pet is a really good idea:
- Although they’re known serial poopers, their waste tends to dry quickly and, therefore, doesn’t smell much. This means you can get away with cleaning their cages once a week, making them very low maintenance and an easy-to-keep pet.
- They can be taught to mimic words and phrases, a skill which tends to be stronger in males and which can be used against an annoying, noisy or messy coworker.
- Finally, you can perch your feathery friend on your finger or shoulder and walk around the office, pretending to be a pirate.
Budgies, which can live for anywhere between 5 and 15 years, are social animals, so you’ll do good by spending an hour or so with them each day. Alternatively, you could get two (or more) budgies to keep each other company.
8. Guinea pigs
One of the main reasons guinea pigs make a great office is because they’re so easy to look after. They require little attention, especially if they’re in the company of other cavies, and are generally well-behaved and sociable rodents.
Daily interaction and attention are essential for their well-being, so they’ll need time out of their cages to stretch their legs and explore their environment or cuddle in your lap. They also need frequent grooming – short-haired guinea pigs can be groomed once a week but long-haired breeds require daily grooming.
Despite this, they’re affectionate little creatures and are known for squealing when they sense their owners approaching and at the sound of the office’s fridge being opened!
9. Tarantulas
Arachnophobes, look away!
Although certainly not everyone’s cup of tea (I include myself in that category), tarantulas are another pet that’s relatively easy to keep and they’re among the most common pet spiders.
They are wild animals and can be dangerous if not handled with respect. Their bites are venomous; however, for most species, the toxicity of their venom is much like that of a bee. Having said that, they will generally prefer to retreat than bite.
On a side note, South Staffordshire MP Gavin Williamson keeps his pet tarantula Cronus (named after the Greek god who castrated his father and ate his children) in a glass box on his desk in the House of Commons. Despite demands from the parliamentary authorities to get rid of the eight-legged creature, Williamson’s team managed to convince them otherwise.
10. Snakes
Another pet that most people would run away from (especially after watching movies like Anaconda and Snakes on a Plane or hearing about stories of boa constrictors slithering out of toilets), snakes are among the most misunderstood creatures in the world due to a lack of education. In fact, they can make good pets when properly cared for and handled.
Obviously, you wouldn’t want to keep an inland taipan at work (which is considered to be the most venomous snake in the world – a single bite can reportedly kill 100 fully grown men), but there are other – harmless – alternatives that would be a little more appropriate. Like corn snakes (pictured), for example, which despite their ominous appearance are actually very docile and are relatively easy to care for. They’re also quite inexpensive: you can buy one for £45 to £70.
11. Hamsters
Hamsters make great office pets as they’re asleep most of the day, meaning their wheel-spinning won’t distract you from your work. They’re small, cute, and easy to clean, too.
They have a pretty short lifespan though, as they usually live for up to two years. You’ll need to make sure they have a big enough cage that is free from hazards, and they’ll need things to chew to keep their teeth short, as well as fresh food and water daily.
Overall, hamsters are an easy office pet that can be taken home on the weekends.
12. Bearded dragon
Bearded dragons can make a great addition to any office. These friendly reptiles are known to be very docile, and they adapt well to their surroundings.
They enjoy eating leafy vegetables and insects, so someone in the office will need to be confident in feeding them. They also need an infrared lamp to bask under and a UVB lamp, too, and they’ll need a glass tank with a mesh top, which prevents overheating.
13. Sea monkeys
Remember these? Sea monkeys (a type of brine shrimp) are a popular choice for those who don’t want a long-term commitment.
You can buy everything you need to set up your sea monkey aquarium [paid link], and it’s really simple. It takes them around five days to hatch, and once they do, you just need to feed them a small spoonful of their food every five days. An aerator is useful too, as sometimes their water needs to be oxygenated to help them thrive.
They’re fascinating to watch in your down-time, which makes them a great pet for the office break room.
14. Orthalicus tree snail
This quiet (but slimy) pet can be another great addition to an office space. They require an aquarium with some dirt, and a few places to hide like a rock or upside-down garden pot.
Snails love leaves and vegetables, including trimmings. They also like fruits, like apple and banana, so feel free to share your lunch with them!
15. Stick insect
Stick insects are very low maintenance pets, as you can leave them for up to a week without needing to do anything. The main thing to consider is that you’ll need to recreate their natural habitat for them so that they can be happy and comfortable in your office.
Depending on where you are, there are legal requirements to consider. In the US, you can only have native stick insects, or you need a permit from the US Department of Agriculture if you want to import other types.
They’ll need a heat source, like a heat pad, and the tank should be well ventilated. As for what they eat, it varies depending on the type of stick insect you want, but they usually eat fresh cut branches and leaves from plants like roses and hawthorn.
16. Rats
Rats are extremely intelligent and require lots of stimulation to keep them happy. They’re smart enough to be litter trained, so you can clean them out quite easily. They love climbing and chewing, so make sure they have enough toys and hanging things in their cage to keep them occupied.
Rats love to eat vegetables and fruit, but you can also buy specialized pellets that are suitable for them, too.
17. Ferrets
Ferrets can have a bad rep, as they’re renowned for being on the smelly side. However, they’re lovely animals to have around if you care for them properly, and they sleep approximately 14–18 hours a day.
They need to be handled appropriately from a young age, otherwise they can bite! Ferrets are also carnivorous, so you’ll need to take that into consideration if you are considering them as a potential office pet.
18. Pygmy hedgehog
Although extremely cute, these require much more care than some of the other animals on this list. You can buy hedgehog-specific food, and they’ll need an enclosure that’s at least 2 feet wide and 4 feet long.
They’re nocturnal, which means they’re more likely to be wandering around when you’re not in the office, but when cared for properly they’re highly amusing and adorable pets.
19. Ants
While ants are not the most conventional pet, an ant farm [paid link] could be an interesting addition to your office!
Ants are very low maintenance when it comes to keeping them as pets. That said, you will need an ant queen and familiarise yourself with how to take proper care of the colony. On average ants need to be fed once a week with some sugar water, small insects (such as fruit flies) and a few drops of water.
Our advice would be to buy a glass ant farm tank that will allow you to observe the ants as they build their tunnel systems under the sand.
20. Chinchilla
Cheeky chinchillas are best in pairs, as they’re social animals. They can be quite noisy, so keep that in mind if you plan on placing them in an office environment. They also require a lot of exercise, so make sure to include a spinning wheel in their enclosure as well as other toys for mental stimulation.
They love to roll around in the dust and require a temperature-controlled environment. Like rabbits, chinchillas mostly eat hay, but can have a small amount of dried fruit and root vegetables as a treat.
Things to remember
Here are some important tips to take into consideration when keeping pets at the office.
- Make sure that workplace regulations allow you to keep office pets before you bring them to work. There may be a ban on certain animals (especially if they’re considered to be dangerous), while many companies have a strict no-pets policy.
- Be mindful of people’s allergies and phobias. It is incredibly important to make sure all your co-workers are comfortable with having animals around the office.
- Understand how to care for them properly. This is especially important for keeping exotic pets. For example, aubergines and avocados are poisonous to tortoises.
- Get comprehensive liability insurance coverage. Even if your pet is the cuddliest and friendliest little fur ball on the planet, you need to understand the risk of animal attacks and bites – of which you will be liable for.
- Make a plan. If you’re going to share responsibilities with your coworkers for the office pet’s care and well-being, it’s a good idea to create a schedule for things like feeding times and walks, as well as make arrangements for vet visits, etc. If you bring your own pet to the office, you will have sole responsibility for it (though I’m sure your workmates will line up to play with Mr Whiskerson).
- Adopt, don’t shop. There are millions of animals throughout the country who need a loving home (or office) and who are often overlooked because of their age or special needs. Please, please visit your local pet shelter or other animal charity if you’re thinking about getting a workplace pet.
Final thoughts
Do you work at a pet-friendly company? Who are your furry (or scaly, feathery or prickly) workmates? Join the conversation down below and let us know! If your company has a no-pets policy in place, tell us what kind of pet you’d like in the office if given the chance!
I’ll go first: cats, of course!
Don’t forget to check out our in-depth guides on how to become a pet sitter and how to get paid to play with dogs all day!
This article is an updated version of an earlier article originally published on 7 September 2017 and contains contributions by staff writer Hayley Ramsey.