How to Feng Shui Your Workplace

old chinese coin on tea table

The saying goes ‘tidy house, tidy mind’, and the same can be said for a tidy office too. When our workplace is clean and organised, we are more likely to manage our time well, work efficiently, and be more productive throughout the working day. On the flip side, mess and disorganisation can cause anxiety and frustration as well as prevent you from getting work done because you can’t find anything and of course increase both mental and physical fatigue. So, keeping your office and desk clutter free is a very good idea, but what if you want to take it one step further? You could apply some Feng Shui principles to decorate your small office.

What Is Used in Feng Shui?

Many things can be used to ensure positive Chi, including:

  • Crystals
  • Certain colours
  • Clocks
  • Aquariums
  • Plants
  • Fountains

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese practice which some describe as an art and others a science. Despite dating back 3000 years, Feng Shui is still popular today in China and recently entered the Western world as well. Literally speaking, Feng translates to wind, and Shui means water; the perfect balance of these two elements is supposed to create good health and fortune, while an incorrect balance creates disharmony and bad luck. Feng Shui is applied to spaces such as homes and buildings to give good fortune and luck to the people within them.

Colour Principles of Feng Shui

  • Wood: Green and Brown
  • Fire: Red, Orange, Yellow, Pink and Purple.
  • Earth: Light yellow, Light Brown, and any Sandy or Earth tones.
  • Metal: White and Gray
  • Water: Black and Blue

By taking the principles of Feng Shui and applying them to your office décor, you may find that you are less stressed, more productive, happier and capable of managing your time more effectively. With the good luck brought on by Feng Shui, you may also find that you progress up the career ladder faster or get a pay rise.

So, how can you apply Feng Shui to your workplace?

How to apply Feng Shui to your workplace

1. Improving Energy Flow

Electromagnetic fields play a role in the mystical process of Feng Shui. The aim of these skilled masters of the trade is to minimise the negative energy that is identified in specific regions of a space and to turn it into a more productive area infused with good energy.

You want to improve the energy everywhere in a business setting, but the most important areas are the points of entry and exit. If negative energy overwhelms the entrance to your building, you will have a difficult time getting people through the door (and keeping them there).

The rooms where the promotions, marketing and sales people do their brainstorming are also critical regarding the energy that exists there. Where positive Chi lives, there will be harmony, professionalism and razor sharp focus.

As a small business entrepreneur, there are mistakes you do not want to make - ever. To avoid the failure of your undertaking, a loss of profits and issues causing strife among your employees, you need to learn how to take control of your office space with Feng Shui to bring about the results you are seeking.

2. Decorate using artwork

Although you are at work, you need to ‘decorate’ your space to keep you inspired. This means putting up paintings and wall hangings that help you to feel creative, motivated, happy, and at peace. Remember colours are a big part of Feng Shui so choose your art accordingly:

  • Greens/Brown: Boosts creativity
  • Yellows and Oranges: Fosters Relationships
  • Red: Boosts productivity
  • Blues/Greys: Has a calming effect

3. Use gentle lighting

Fluorescent light is hard on the eyes and gives off too much brightness. This can lead to headaches and irritation amongst your staff. However, going to the opposite end of the spectrum and installing a lighting system that is too dim can make it harder to get work done because it puts people in a mellow and laid back mood. The lighting you choose for your office is essential to the well-being of your employees. Look for the happy medium between too bright and too low.

4. Add Plants

Plants that clean the air (according to NASA) killing two birds with one stone…or ehmmm plant:

  • Spider Plants
  • Dracaena
  • Ficus
  • Snake Plant

Feng Shui isn’t just about where you place your furniture; the quality of the air is an important aspect too, in fact it’s a huge priority. If you can do only one thing to add some Feng Shui to your office, it should be to improve the air. Plants such as Peace Lilies, Ferns and Rubber Plants are excellent when it comes to removing toxins such as excess carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Add some around your place of work for cleaner air, and you’ll soon find that the office is less stuffy.

5. Adjust your desk position

If you work in a home office or you are lucky enough to have a boss who doesn’t mind a bit of office Feng Shui, you could consider moving your desk to a more Feng Shui compliant area. There are two key positions to keep in mind. Firstly, you want to avoid facing your desk opposite someone else as you may pick up their bad energy or cause anxiety amongst each other. Secondly, your desk placement should be across from the door. The idea behind this is that you will see opportunity coming your way, and in turn, more opportunities will find their way to you.

6. Organize and declutter your desk

Unless you’re self-employed or work from home, it may not always be easy to move your desk or add plants to the office. However, one thing everyone can do is take charge of their own workspace and keep their desk organised and free from clutter. The most important aspect of keeping your desk Feng Shui is to make sure that it is not swamped and covered with paper, stationary or anything else. To keep a focused and content mind, you should make sure that at least 50% of your desk is entirely clear. One of the most common areas of Feng Shui is the Bagua, which is essentially a 9-part grid, 3 squares long and 3 squares wide. Imagine your desk is sectioned off into the Bagua grid. Each section of the grid correlates to a different part of your life, but in this instance, we are going to concentrate on just four of them.


The back left square relates to wealth, so to draw energy into this section and encourage pay rises and bonuses you should place a valuable item here - a computer is perfect.


The back centre square deals with fame, if you want to have a good reputation around the office, then you’ll also want to bring some energy here. Place something that relates to your name here, for example, your business cards.


The centre right square is responsible for creativity. If you need a bit more inspiration and out of the box thinking then this is where you should focus your attention. Add anything that conveys idea generation, such as a notebook of ideas or sketchbook.


Last but by no means least is the square which relates to career, which is situated in the front centre square. More than anything, you want to keep this area clean, tidy and clutter free. You could also add a motivational quote or image, perhaps on a mouse mat or a decal for practicality’s sake.

7. Optimizing your cubical's Chi

If you are forced to have your back to the door, not in commanding position, all you need is a mirror or some reflective object that allows you to see the doorway from where you sit. Don’t use anything that’s obtrusive; make sure you’re using things that are appropriate for the office environment. Large mirrors with embellishments are not suitable. 

Keeping your space free of clutter is not only good for productivity, but it also creates “good energy vibes” throughout your workspace. Organisation creates a smooth flow to your day and keeps your stress levels down. Another thing you could do is apply colour practices to your Feng Shui cubical and bring in a live plant just like you could in any other type of office.

Apply these principles, and you could find that your Feng Shui office is a nicer place to work. You could even earn that promotion or get a nice bonus this year. Do you believe in the art of Feng Shui?