The 15 Best Productivity Apps to Get More Done at Work

Reviewed by Melina Theodorou

seven smartphones featuring an productivity app logos including evernote, trello, google calendar, todoist and focus

How productive are you at work? With so many distractions all around, you are probably lured away from your workload all day long. 

There is a vast treasure trove of productivity apps to help you get your work done, stay focused on your tasks and stay organised throughout your busy week. From effectively communicating with your colleagues to ensuring you are getting what needs to be done on a Friday afternoon, there's plenty of tools that can complement your routine.  

Put simply, there's an app for that! 

Because there are hundreds of apps around, it can be a daunting crusade trying to find the best one. We have compiled a list of the best productivity apps to help you work efficiently and to the best of your abilities.   

Watch all the best productivity apps in a short video: 

1. Todoist 

Available on Android and iOS (free) 

The to-do list is the most basic thing you can do at work, but it is also the most powerful tool at your disposal. A piece of paper with a list of tasks you need to complete. That is all, and now, it's gone mobile. 

Todoist works across multiple devices on a free version. It helps declutter both your personal and professional life by keeping track of duties, tasks, objectives, meetings, dates and anything else critical for your job. While it is free to use, there is also a premium version that consists of reminders, templates and automatic backups. 

2. RescueTime 

Available on Android (free)  

Rescue Time will highlight how and when you're spending your finite time on your smartphone, websites and apps. Rather than wag its finger at your procrastination, Rescue Time establishes long-term goals for you and also tracks your progress. Many users say that it automatically enhances your productivity because you know just how much time you're spending on Instagram. 

3. Trello 

Available on Android and iOS (free)  

Indeed, project management systems are all the rage in today's workplace, whether you are employed at an office, or you work from home. Trello is considered one of the best platforms for collaborating with your teammates or sharing pertinent information with your clients to ensure you can get all your tasks completed without having to deviate to other platforms. Whatever the case, its card system is easy to use, so it helps elevate your productive capacity. 

4. Forest

Available on Android (free) and iOS ($1.99) 

Everyone takes a sneak peek at their smartphone while working. Unfortunately, these multiple glances end up accumulating and eventually eat up your day. Forest is an app that cuts your phone dependency by incentivising you to concentrate on being productive during your designated time. How? Giving you credits to plant real trees around the world. Yes, that's right – for your hard work, you are rewarded with helping the planet

5. AppBlock

Available on Android (free) 

The average person spends 90% of their mobile time in apps on their phone. Eventually, these apps become too much of a distraction as your attention and productivity deflates. AppBlock is a helpful application because it temporarily blocks these apps on your device so you can focus on your work or school without any temptations. 


Available on Android (free)

Don't you wish you could unplug, even for just a few minutes, while you get something done? Well, now you can block out the beeps and buzzes with OFFTIME. The app shuts down other apps, calls, texts and emails but will whitelist certain contacts who can come through to you. Users can also install auto-respond to incoming messages. In the end, you can garner insights into the usage of your device to determine what is eating away your time. 

7. Google Calendar

Available on Android and iOS (free) 

In today's hectic times, it can be easy to miss a deadline or forget about doing an assignment. Google Calendar is the digital version of a daily planner, giving you the power to keep better track of what needs to be done every day. 

In the end, if you forget about something – sending over an invoice or getting in touch with a client – that's okay because you will be provided with reminders. The best way to be productive is to be aware of your time. 

8. Things 3

Available on iOS ($9.99) 

Yep, another to-do list app. This time, Things 3 builds on the tools established by its competitors. For instance, its 'Upcoming View' feature is an infinite search into the future instead of just the next seven days. 

Another key feature is its project completion circles that act as progress trackers for the tasks that need to get done. Another great feature is the ability to set tasks to 'Evening', so you know what needs to be done after work. 

9. OmniFocus 3

Available on iOS (free)

OmniFocus is marketed as giving your brain a huge upgrade because you can now manage your thoughts, ideas and tasks into a single ecosystem. What makes OmniFocus an attractive option for busy professionals is that you can capture all of your tasks from anywhere and integrate them into a giant workflow, making your productive capacity that much easier to navigate. 

10. Priorities

Available on iOS (free) 

Do you ever have tasks within tasks to get done? While your work can seem like a scene out of Inception, it does not need to be as complicated. Priorities is a to-do list app that does not only add tasks and lists but allows you to turn one task into a layered project or a secondary task. Ultimately, Priorities establishes a tiered system of tasks to ensure you can complete every step of a project.

11. Nirvana

Available on Android and iOS (free) 

Nirvana is a cloud-based app that helps you get through the day while still paying attention to the next one. The app helps you create and navigate your content by turning your input into actionable insights, from filters and tags to recurring to-dos and cross-platform engagement. 

12. FocusList

Available on iOS ($4.99) 

FocusList is a hybrid of a to-do list and a time tracker, but it will help you evolve into a time management extraordinaire by planning all your tasks for the upcoming day and then allotting time to each one. Typically, FocusList utilises the Pomodoro Technique: 25 minutes to complete a task and then a five-minute break for every 30-minute block. 

It presents you with a progress report at the end of the day to determine how accurate you were with time your projections and completions and allows you to tailor the times to your needs so that you can institute a whole host of timers to your workday. 

13. Hours Time Tracking  

Available on iOS (free)  

Hours Time Tracking is the latest mobile time-tracking app to monitor how well you are using one of the finite resources in the world: Your time. This app sets reminders, institutes timers and adjusts the time based on your calendar. 

Also, to ensure you are productive with your time, it creates a visual representation of how you spent your minutes and hours throughout the day, which is critical in adjusting how you use your available moments. 

14. Productive 

Available on iOS (free)  

We are breaking the rules just a bit by adding Productive Habit Tracker. But hear us out! This app is a great way to advance your career by improving your productivity and minimising your procrastination

The app lists habits that you want or desire to accomplish each day, from the mundane to the intricate. Also, when you complete each habit on your to-do list, you are rewarded for boosting your motivation. In other words, you are incentivised to be productive!

15. Be Focused Pro 

Available on iOS ($1.99) 

Be Focused Pro combines time tracking and distraction blocking by implementing certain tasks you want to get done, establishing a timer for each item and scheduling coffee breaks for you. You can customise it, too, so you can modify your intermissions, sprints and length of every task. 

If you find yourself slacking off at work, then familiarise yourself with these useful applications and give your productivity levels a boost! Regardless if you work independently or as part of a team, in your home or at an office, you will find that these apps can enhance your productivity and will help you get more things done. 

Can you suggest any other productivity apps? Share your thoughts in the comments section below!