50 Small-Talk Questions that Will Get the Conversation Going

Awkward silences by the watercooler — no more!

Reviewed by Chris Leitch

Small Talk Questions

Ever found yourself stuck in an elevator with a coworker, grasping for something to say?

Small talk at work can seem daunting, but it’s actually a skill you can master. In this article, we’ll walk through how to spark a conversation, steer through awkward silences and discover common ground with your colleagues.

Whether you’re a part of a remote team or sharing a cubicle, you’ll learn how to turn fleeting moments into opportunities for building stronger team bonds. So, get ready to ditch the silence and weave connection into your daily work life.

What is small talk?

Small talk is the art of engaging in light, informal conversation — it’s the kind of chit-chat that fills the air before work meetings or during coffee breaks.

It’s not about problem-solving or in-depth discussion; think of it as the verbal equivalent of a friendly handshake.

This type of dialogue often revolves around neutral small-talk topics that are easy for anyone to respond to. Whether it’s discussing the latest social media trends or sharing excitement about an upcoming corporate event, small talk is a way to ease into more substantial conversations, laying the groundwork for solid corporate team-building.

How to make small talk at work

Mastering small talk at work can transform awkward silences into moments of connection. Here are five actionable tips to enhance your chat game at the office.

1. Start a conversation with a compliment

Initiating dialogue can be as simple as offering a genuine compliment. Notice something you admire — a team member’s new haircut, their well-organized desk or how they nailed a presentation.

This kind of opener not only breaks the ice but can also brighten someone’s day. It shows you pay attention and that you’re interested in more than just work. From there, the conversation often flows naturally.

2. Find common ground through questions

People love talking about their interests. Ask about their recent holiday or if they caught the latest hit series. This isn’t just talk; it’s a quest to find common ground.

When you discover shared interests, conversations tend to grow more animated and meaningful. Listen actively, and you might find a topic that turns a colleague into a friend.


Keep up with a few trending topics on social media for a reservoir of conversation starters.

3. Share experiences from team-building activities

Have you ever tried an escape room with your colleagues or joined in a scavenger hunt at a corporate event? Sharing experiences from past team-building activities can be a goldmine for small talk.

It can spark friendly competition reminiscence or even inspire future corporate team-building plans. Conversations about these shared moments can reinforce team bonds and sometimes lead to brainstorming new ideas for fun activities.

4. Bring up timely small-talk topics

Are the holidays around the corner, or is there a company happy hour scheduled soon? Timely small-talk topics can be a safe bet.

Discussing upcoming events or asking about plans with family members over the weekend are easy ways to initiate small talk. This approach is particularly useful with remote employees, as it helps create a sense of inclusion and anticipation for upcoming gatherings.

5. Use remote tools to your advantage

For remote teams, technology can bridge the gap. Use messaging platforms to send a quick, friendly message or a fun GIF related to a recent team meeting or project. This can be a great way to start a conversation that doesn’t feel forced.

Moreover, regular virtual hangouts can mimic the “watercooler” experience, providing space for talk questions and the kind of casual banter that forges closer relationships amongst remote employees.

Easy small-talk topics to get the conversation going

Small talk doesn’t have to be a chore. With the right topics, you can start a conversation that feels both natural and engaging.

1. Pets

“Got any pets?” is often a magic phrase at work. Sharing stories about your furry family member can be a joyful way to connect with fellow animal lovers. You might find yourselves swapping funny anecdotes or helpful pet care tips. It’s a conversation that can easily continue, as there’s always a new story about pets to tell.

2. Music

Music is a universal language, and talking about it can help you find common ground quickly. Whether it’s the latest concert, a new album release or your all-time favorite bands, discussing music tastes can lead to discovering shared interests and perhaps even plans to attend a live show together.

3. Travel

Asking about recent or dream travel destinations can lead to vibrant discussions. It’s a chance to share experiences, give recommendations or bond over wanderlust. Plus, it’s a pleasant escape from the daily grind, even if it’s just a mental getaway.

4. Food

Everyone eats, and most people enjoy talking about their favorite food or restaurants. It’s a tasty conversation starter that could lead to group lunches, recipe swaps or a friendly debate about the best pizza in town.

5. Movies and TV shows

Discussing the latest binge-worthy series or blockbuster hit can be a great icebreaker. These conversations often reveal more about personal tastes, and can be a steppingstone to more frequent and casual interactions.

6. Sports

Whether you’re a die-hard fan or just enjoy the game-day snacks, sports talk can stir up some friendly competition. It can also lead to organizing office sports events or outings, reinforcing those corporate team building efforts.

7. Books

If you’ve just finished a compelling book, why not share it? Book discussions can be quite enlightening and might lead to forming an office book club, which is a fantastic team-building activity.

8. Hobbies

Learning about what your colleagues do in their free time can be fascinating. It’s an opportunity to learn something new and can even lead to trying out a new activity together, further strengthening team bonds.

9. Fitness and wellness

Chatting about workout routines or mindfulness practices can be surprisingly inclusive. It’s a topic that resonates with the current focus on wellbeing and can lead to organizing group fitness challenges or yoga sessions, ticking another box for corporate team building.

10. Technology

Whether it’s the latest app or a new gadget, technology is a topic that’s always evolving. It’s a conversation that can often lead to problem-solving or brainstorming sessions, which are great for team dynamics.

11. Current events

Staying up to date with what’s happening in the world can give you a plethora of talk questions. Just remember to steer clear of contentious issues to keep the chat light and engaging.

12. Social media

A funny meme, a viral video, or trending topics on social media can be great conversation starters. These discussions often reflect on cultural moments and can be an easy way to laugh and relate with your colleagues.

13. Gardening

Whether you have a green thumb or just enjoy nature, talking about gardening can be a refreshing topic. Sharing tips or even seeds and plants can nurture both your garden and your office relationships.

14. Happy hour

Inviting colleagues to a happy hour can be an excellent way to foster casual conversation in a more relaxed environment. Talk about your favorite drink, and you might just find your next happy hour buddy.

15. Local events

From a weekend market to a local charity run, local events are happening all the time. They offer a chance to connect over community engagement or shared interests in activities around town.

16. Fashion

A compliment on a colleague’s outfit can often lead to discussions about fashion trends, shopping deals, or simply where they got that tie or those shoes.

17. Corporate events

Reflecting on past corporate events or anticipating upcoming ones provides a shared experience to talk about. Whether it’s an awards night or an annual holiday party, it’s a topic with lots of subtopics to explore.

18. Weather

It might seem cliché, but the weather is a universal experience. It can affect mood, wardrobe and even work, making it a safe and easy topic to start with.

19. DIY projects

Talking about any DIY projects can spark conversations about creativity, resourcefulness and perhaps a shared interest in crafting or home improvement.

20. Scavenger hunts and escape rooms

Mentioning a scavenger hunt or an escape room can immediately pique interest. These activities require problem-solving and teamwork, making them excellent topics that can even lead to planning the next team outing.

Best small-talk questions

Navigating social dynamics at work is easier when you have the right tools. Here’s a handy list of 50 small-talk questions to keep the conversation flowing.

  1. “How did you come to work here, and what’s been the highlight so far?”
  2. “What’s one team-building activity you’ve enjoyed here?”
  3. “Do you find remote work challenging, or do you prefer it to the office?”
  4. “What are your tricks for staying connected with remote team members?”
  5. “Heard any good news in the industry lately that’s worth a chat?”
  6. “What’s one thing your past roles didn’t have that you find here?”
  7. “Have you found any new lunch spots recently that you love?”
  8. “What’s the most unexpected skill you’ve picked up in your current role?”
  9. “Any recent happy hour discoveries we should all know about?”
  10. “How do you balance work with spending time with family members?”
  11. “What’s your favorite part of our corporate culture?”
  12. “Is there a social media trend or challenge you think is worth trying?”
  13. “What’s a good book you’d recommend for some light reading?”
  14. “Have you found common ground with colleagues over an unexpected topic?”
  15. “What’s a local event you’re looking forward to, maybe a scavenger hunt?”
  16. “Any favorite podcasts or series that make your commute more enjoyable?”
  17. “What’s a skill you think everyone should learn, work-related or not?”
  18. “How do you approach problem-solving when faced with a tough task?”
  19. “Have any films or documentaries sparked your interest in a new topic?”
  20. “What would your ideal corporate event look like?”
  21. “Seen any good throwbacks on social media that brought back memories?”
  22. “Ever tried an escape room or similar activity for team bonds?”
  23. “Which recent global event has impacted our industry the most, in your view?”
  24. “Do you have a side project or hobby that fuels your creativity?”
  25. “What’s one way you’ve seen friendly competition benefit our team?”
  26. “In what ways do you think our workplace could improve?”
  27. “How has a mentor or colleague positively influenced your career?”
  28. “Are there local volunteer opportunities you’re passionate about?”
  29. “What’s one change in our field you’re excited to see unfold?”
  30. “What’s the most useful feedback you’ve ever received?”
  31. “Do you enjoy the current trend towards gamification in training?”
  32. “How do you like to wind down on a Friday after work?”
  33. “What’s a simple pleasure that always improves your day?”
  34. “What’s the best career lesson you’ve learned this year?”
  35. “Have you adopted any new technology or app that’s improved your workflow?”
  36. “What’s your stance on networking within our industry?”
  37. “Have you come across any talk questions that sparked a great discussion?”
  38. “What’s a movie you can watch over and over without getting tired of it?”
  39. “How do you think remote employees can best be integrated into team events?”
  40. “What’s your favorite memory from any team-building activity?”
  41. “Is there a trend in our field you’re skeptical about?”
  42. “How do you stay up to date with news in our sector?”
  43. “What’s one thing you’d like to accomplish by the end of the year?”
  44. “How do you think we can foster better team bonds?”
  45. “What’s a personal success you’re proud of?”
  46. “Have you ever had an idea that improved a process at work?”
  47. “What’s one thing about our workplace you’d share with a new employee?”
  48. “How do you prefer to receive recognition for your work?”
  49. “What’s the most interesting thing you’ve learned from a colleague?”
  50. “What’s a goal you’re currently working towards, professionally or personally?”

This list should arm you with the tools to initiate and sustain engaging conversations with your colleagues, helping to build rapport and establish meaningful connections. Remember: the key to great small talk is to show genuine interest in the answers you receive.

Tips to improve your small talk

Nailing small talk is key to easing into conversations that foster connections at work. Here are five tips to master it.

1. Start with open-ended questions

Initiate with questions that can’t be answered with a simple “yes” or “no”. This invites your conversation partner to share more, turning a quick exchange into a meaningful chat. For example, ask “What projects are you excited about right now?” rather than “Are you busy?” It’s all about opening the door to a dialogue where team members can share insights and experiences.

2. Find common ground

Spotting mutual interests creates a strong foundation for conversation. Maybe it’s a shared love for a local happy hour spot or enthusiasm for a team-building activity. Drawing on common experiences, like that intense escape room challenge or the last corporate event, can make the interaction more engaging and less of an effort for everyone involved.

3. Listen actively

Good small talk is as much about listening as it is about talking. Pay attention to what your colleagues say, and show interest. This could be by nodding or adding a thoughtful “I see”. It’s about acknowledging their thoughts, which can turn simple talk questions into valuable problem-solving discussions or even ideas for friendly competition within the team.

4. Use body language

Non-verbal cues can speak volumes. Maintain eye contact, smile, and face the person you’re talking to. These signals convey openness and interest, encouraging team bonds and making remote employees feel just as included during video calls as they would in person.

5. Practice, practice, practice

Like any skill, becoming good at small talk requires practice. Don’t shy away from initiating chats with different team members. With time, you’ll find that what once might have led to awkward silences can now spark vibrant discussions.

Final thoughts

Small talk is the bridge to stronger workplace relationships. It starts with conversation starters, transforms awkward silences into opportunities for problem solving, and can lead to more structured corporate team-building efforts.

Whether you’re a part of a remote team or sharing an office space, using the tips above will help you craft engaging small-talk topics, deepen team bonds and foster a cooperative spirit.

Remember: a bit of practice and genuine interest in your colleagues can make all the difference. Keep your talk questions handy, engage on social media, and you’re sure to see the benefits in your professional network.

Can you think of any other small-talk questions? Let us know in the comments section below.