How to Set SMART Goals at Work (with 5 Examples)

The smarter, the better.

Reviewed by Chris Leitch

How to set SMART goals showing SMART letters on goals theme objects and small worker people

Career success requires careful planning and intentional action. One powerful strategy for turning aspirations into achievements is the use of SMART goals.

In this article, we’ll explore the concept of SMART goals, weigh up the pros with the cons of using this framework, provide guidance on how to write SMART goals effectively, give you practical examples, and discuss what to do after setting SMART goals — so that you can implement this strategy successfully in your professional life.

What are SMART goals?

SMART goals are a strategic and widely adopted framework designed to enhance the effectiveness of goal-setting in various personal and professional contexts. The acronym stands for:

  • Specific (S): Goals should be well-defined and unambiguous.
  • Measurable (M): They need tangible criteria to measure progress and success.
  • Achievable (A): Goals should be challenging yet realistic.
  • Relevant (R): They need to align with broader aims, missions or strategies.
  • Timebound (T): They need to have a timeframe attached to them.

By adhering to SMART principles, individuals, teams and organizations can create goals that are not only clear and focused but also conducive to sustained motivation and accomplishment.

The pros and cons of SMART goals

Setting career goals is a fundamental aspect of personal and professional growth, and the SMART criteria provides a structured framework to enhance goal setting effectiveness.

The pros of setting SMART goals include:

  • They provide clarity and focus: The specificity of SMART goals provides clarity, helping individuals and teams stay focused on what needs to be achieved.
  • They measure progress: The inclusion of measurable criteria allows for the tracking of progress, enabling prompt adjustments and course corrections.
  • They keep you motivated and accountable: The timebound nature of SMART goals instils a sense of urgency, promoting motivation and accountability for timely goal achievement.

While SMART goals offer a systematic approach to goal-setting, there are potential drawbacks. These include:

  • They can be quite rigid: The strict criteria of SMART goals may lead to rigidity, limiting adaptability in dynamic situations. Overemphasis on predefined parameters can hinder creativity and responsiveness to unexpected changes.
  • They can overemphasize quantification: In some cases, the emphasis on measurability may lead to a neglect of qualitative aspects that are equally crucial for success.
  • They can be complex: The detailed nature of SMART goals can be overwhelming, especially for individuals or teams unfamiliar with the framework, potentially hindering initial implementation.

How to write SMART goals

Now that we know what SMART goals are, and the advantages and disadvantages of using the framework, let’s explore the process of writing a SMART goal.

S = Specific

The “S” in SMART highlights the importance of specificity in goal setting. Specific goals leave little room for interpretation, providing a clear direction.

Instead of a vague aim like “Improve sales”, a specific goal would be “Increase monthly sales by 15%”. This precision not only guides efforts but also fosters a shared understanding among stakeholders.

Ask yourself the five Ws:

  1. Who is involved?
  2. What needs to be done?
  3. Where will it happen?
  4. When is it expected to be completed?
  5. Why is it important?

If your goal answers these questions, it is likely specific.

SMART goals graphic

M = Measurable

“Measurable” emphasizes the need for criteria to track progress. Incorporating tangible metrics, such as percentages, dollar amounts or units, allows individuals or teams to gauge their progress. A measurable goal transforms aspirations into concrete targets.

Ask yourself “How will I track progress and what are the measurable indicators of success?”. When setting SMART goals that relate to your own individual achievement, it’s important to think about how you define success, because this might not be easily conveyed in numbers.

Nonetheless, it’s important define what success looks like so you know when you have achieved it and can identify if you’re not on track.

A = Achievable

It’s great to aim high, but goals must also be attainable to motivate and guide efforts effectively.

The “A” in SMART underscores the importance of setting achievable career goals that are realistically within reach. Striking a balance between challenge and feasibility ensures that goals inspire growth without being overwhelming.

Ask yourself, and your team members, in the case of team goals, if the goal is realistic given current constraints such as time, resources and skills. This is important because striving for unrealistic goals can be a path to burnout for individuals and can create disharmony and tension in teams.

R = Relevant

Relevance in goal-setting centers on aligning goals with broader individual aspirations or organizational missions.

Goals should contribute meaningfully to the overall mission, strategy or vision, ensuring that efforts propel individuals or organizations toward their desired outcomes. A relevant goal provides purpose and coherence in the pursuit of success.

Ask yourself “Does this goal contribute meaningfully to my/our overall mission? Is it relevant to long-term plans and aspirations?” If the answer is “no”, then question whether the goal is necessary or if it’s taking you away from other things that are more important.

T = Timebound

Time-based goals emphasize the importance of setting deadlines. Establishing a timeframe adds a sense of urgency, preventing procrastination and fostering a commitment to action.

Whether short-term or long-term, a well-defined timeline provides a structured framework, driving individuals or teams to stay on course toward goal achievement.

Ask yourself “When do I want to achieve this goal, and given my other commitments, is that realistic?” The next step will be to think about what can be done today, this week and in the coming months to progress toward the goals.

In a team environment, the deadlines attached to goals can cause tension, so make a collaborative assessment as to whether the deadline attached to the goal is realistic and whether other priorities will need to shift to accommodate.

5 examples of SMART goals

To illustrate the power of precision and intention in goal setting, here are five examples of different goals from different contexts.

1. Personal development goal

Enhance public speaking skills by attending bi-weekly Toastmasters meetings. Dedicate a minimum of 30 daily minutes to speech practice and aim to complete 10 speeches, including impromptu talks, within the next 6 months.

This SMART goal is specific in targeting public speaking skills through Toastmasters, measurable with clear milestones for speech delivery and feedback, achievable with a structured practice routine, relevant to the individual’s career goals, and timebound with a six-month timeframe for completion.

2. Career advancement goal

Develop leadership competencies by allocating 10 hours per week to undertake leadership training and development activities, including taking on a leadership role in at least 1 cross-functional project, and mentoring a junior team member with the objective of achieving a leadership position within the next 2 years.

This SMART goal is specific in outlining leadership development activities, measurable with clear milestones, achievable with a realistic time commitment, relevant to the individual’s career aspirations, and timebound with a two-year timeframe for achieving the leadership position.

3. Business goal

Achieve a 15% increase in market share within the next fiscal year by launching a digital marketing campaign focused on engaging content. Implement the campaign within three months, monitoring progress through quarterly market analysis reports and customer surveys.

This SMART goal is specific in targeting market share through a marketing campaign, measurable with a clear percentage increase goal, achievable with defined actions, relevant to the company’s objectives, and timebound with a one-year timeframe for achieving the desired market share growth.

4. Sales team goal

Improve team collaboration and productivity by implementing a team project management tool and scheduling bi-monthly team building sessions. Launch the new tool within 1 month, and increase project completion rates by 20% over the next 6 months to achieve company goal of fostering a positive and collaborative work culture.

This SMART goal is specific in targeting team collaboration and productivity through specific actions, measurable with a clear percentage increase goal, achievable with defined steps and resources, relevant to the company’s objectives, and timebound with a six-month timeframe for achieving the desired improvements.

5. Social media goal

Achieve 25% increase in Instagram followers within the next 3 months, as tracked through the platform’s analytics tools, by posting high-quality content 3 times a week, engaging with followers by responding to comments and direct messages promptly, and collaborating with influencers in the industry to expand reach.

This SMART goal is specific in targeting brand awareness on Instagram through specific actions, measurable with a clear percentage increase goal, achievable with defined steps and resources, relevant to the company’s objectives, and timebound with a three-month timeframe for achieving the desired increase in followers.

What to do after setting SMART goals

Now that the goals are set, the challenging work of making them happen begins! Developing an action plan, monitoring, celebrating milestones, adjusting strategies and implementing a feedback loop are vital actions to ensure not only progress but also sustained success.

1. Develop an action plan

Detail the specific tasks and considerations for each aspect of the SMART goal, and compile this information into a cohesive action plan with dates and responsibilities assigned.

Your action plan should be a living document that is regularly reviewed, updated and adapted based on the evolving needs of the project. You may consider using a workflow tool like or HubSpot to assist in keeping everyone on track with goal progress.

2. Resource your SMART goal

Resourcing SMART goals effectively is pivotal to their successful execution. Supplying the necessary time, financial backing and support is akin to fueling the engine that drives goal attainment.

Allocating dedicated time ensures that you or your team members can focus on specific tasks without the burden of conflicting priorities. Adequate financial resources enable the procurement of tools, training and any external expertise needed to meet the goal’s objectives.

Equally crucial is fostering a supportive environment where individuals feel empowered, acknowledged and equipped to overcome challenges. By investing the time, money and support needed, organizations not only demonstrate commitment to their goals but also lay the foundation for a robust and sustainable path to success.

3. Monitor and evaluate progress

Regularly monitor progress toward your goals, using the measurable criteria established in the SMART framework.

Evaluate what is working well and identify areas for improvement. This ongoing assessment allows for informed decision-making and keeps goals aligned with changing circumstances.

4. Celebrate milestones

Acknowledge and celebrate milestones along the way. Recognizing achievements, even small ones, boosts motivation and reinforces the commitment to the goal. Celebrations can take various forms, from team recognitions to personal rewards that mark progress.

5. Adjust goals as needed

Be flexible in adjusting goals based on changing circumstances or new insights. If certain aspects of the plan are not working, consider modifying strategies while keeping the SMART criteria in mind. Adaptability is key to long-term success.

Key takeaways

The great thing about SMART goals is that they help you develop a vision for growth and your career’s future success, while prioritizing your work and motivating you to get where you want to go.

To sum up what we learned in this article:

  • SMART goals are goals that are defined by criteria: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Timebound.
  • They can be useful in that they create clarity and focus, measure progress, and keep you motivated.
  • They, however, have their downsides too, in terms of rigidness, complexity, and overemphasis on quantification.
  • Once you set your SMART goals, be sure to keep track of them and to celebrate milestones.

Got any questions about SMART goals or tips of your own? Let us know in the comments section below.