How to Network on LinkedIn: 20 Essential Tips for 2024

Press the “Connect” button with intention.

Reviewed by Chris Leitch

How to network on LinkedIn

If you want to make serious professional connections, you’ve got to master networking on LinkedIn.

This platform is a game-changer for anyone aiming to boost their career, grow a business or even find that dream job.

In this article, we’ll break down the most effective strategies, share some killer tips, and even answer your most burning questions. So, if you’re set on building a solid network and avoiding rookie mistakes, you’re in the right place.

Let’s jump right in.

Ways to network on LinkedIn

Ready to up your LinkedIn game? We’ve got five robust methods to help you grow your network, build connections and elevate your professional life.

1. Use the search function

The search function on LinkedIn is your starting line for expanding your network. It’s equipped with filters that let you narrow down prospects by industry, role or even geographic location. While it’s tempting to blast off a bunch of “Connect” clicks, hold your horses. Personalization is your secret weapon here.

Take a couple of minutes to write a brief, customized message. Maybe mention a shared alma mater, a mutual connection or an interest in similar projects. Explain why you’re reaching out and how you both stand to gain from the connection. This approach makes you memorable and sets the stage for fruitful networking.

2. Join LinkedIn Groups

LinkedIn Groups are your networking playgrounds. They come in all flavors, focused on industries, skills or even geographic locations. Search for groups that align with your professional goals or personal interests. Once you’re a member, the real work begins.

Make your presence known by actively participating in conversations. Offer your take on trending topics, share valuable resources or even ask for advice on industry challenges. This kind of active engagement elevates your profile within the group, attracts like-minded professionals, and helps you expand your network in a way that’s both strategic and authentic.

3. Send connection requests

Taking charge is essential for making meaningful connections. While it’s useful to have a message template for efficiency, each outreach should feel unique to the recipient. Inject some personal touches — comment on a recent post they made, or mention any common connections or interests.

Whether your endgame is business growth, recruiting talent or landing a new gig, the devil’s in the detail. A well-crafted, personalized message not only stands out in a sea of generic requests but also sets the foundation for a productive professional relationship. Remember: there’s a difference between following and connecting on LinkedIn.

4. Check “People You May Know”

The “People You May Know” section on LinkedIn isn’t just filler; it’s a curated list of potential allies in your professional journey. These are people you’ve likely encountered in previous jobs, educational settings or industry events.

Reaching out to them is not just about growing your numbers; it’s about rekindling relationships that could be mutually beneficial. Send a personalized message to jog their memory — for example: “Hey, we crossed paths at the ABC Conference last year. How have you been? Would love to catch up and hear what you’re working on.”

5. Get endorsements

Endorsements boost your LinkedIn credibility. When colleagues vouch for your skills, it speaks volumes.

But don’t just wait around. Politely ask peers or past collaborators to endorse you. In return, offer to do the same for them. This mutual appreciation can not only elevate your profile but also rekindle professional relationships. However, ensure the endorsements you get (and give) are genuine and they align with your actual skills and experiences. Authenticity always shines brightest!

20 best tips to grow your LinkedIn network in 2024

You’re here because you want to make the most out of networking on LinkedIn, right? Well, you’re in luck.

We’ve got 20 tried-and-true tips to help you expand your circle. Whether you’re in it for business, job hunting or recruiting, these pointers will set you on the path to LinkedIn stardom.

1. Polish your profile

Your LinkedIn profile isn’t just a résumé; it’s a showcase of who you are as a professional. First impressions count, so start with a high-quality, professional photo. Your headline shouldn’t be a mere job title; make it a concise yet compelling pitch that grabs attention.

For a professional LinkedIn profile, fill out every section — work history, skills, endorsements, education, and even volunteer experiences. A well-rounded profile isn’t just attractive; it helps you pop up in more LinkedIn searches, paving the way for better networking opportunities.

2. Send personalized messages

If you shoot off a basic “Let's connect” message, don’t expect a high response rate. People want to know why you’re interested in connecting. So, make it a point to personalize your messages. Maybe you’re both alumni from the same university, or perhaps you’ve both been vocal about similar industry trends on LinkedIn.

Not only does a tailored message show you’ve done your homework, but it also lays the groundwork for a more meaningful connection. Think of it this way: you’re not just adding a name to your list of connections; you’re also building the base for a potentially valuable professional relationship.

3. Be intentional about invitations

Don’t play the numbers game by sending out mass invites. Instead, be choosy about who you invite to your network. Think about how each new connection could benefit you, whether it’s potential business, job opportunities or industry insights.

By being intentional, you’re more likely to attract connections that align with your professional goals. You’re not just gathering names; you’re building a network that adds value to your career or business. This focused approach pays off in the long run, making your LinkedIn experience more rewarding.

4. Seek mentorship

Finding the right mentor on LinkedIn can be a pivotal step in your professional journey. To start, meticulously search for professionals who excel in fields you’re drawn to. When you decide to approach someone, it’s crucial to be sincere in your message.

Clearly convey your ambitions and elucidate why you’ve singled them out as a potential mentor. Moreover, a mentorship shouldn’t be viewed as a one-sided arrangement. Ponder on how you can reciprocate, enriching the relationship from both ends, ensuring a mutually beneficial rapport.

5. Create a compelling headline

Your LinkedIn headline holds significant power — it’s frequently the initial impression you make on others. Rather than merely stating your current position, craft it to resonate and captivate. Showcase a standout skill, trumpet a notable accomplishment, or zero in on a niche you excel in. Visualize it as your succinct, digital elevator pitch.

A captivating headline not only elevates your profile’s allure but also encourages more professionals to delve deeper into your details or initiate a connection. By making your headline compelling, you’re amplifying your profile’s appeal and potential outreach.

6. Share relevant content

One way to make a lasting impression on LinkedIn is by sharing content that resonates with your network. Whether it’s industry news, insightful articles or actionable tips, choose content that adds value. This kind of sharing shows you’re engaged and informed, bolstering your reputation as someone worth connecting with.

But don’t just post and ghost. Consistency is key. A regular posting schedule keeps you on the radar of your connections and followers. It’s not just about gaining visibility; it’s about contributing meaningful dialogue to your professional community.

7. Engage with your network

Networking isn’t a numbers game; it’s about building relationships. Don’t just add people to your LinkedIn network and forget about them. Take the time to comment on their posts, congratulate them on new jobs or milestones, and even share their content if it aligns with your interests. These small gestures can go a long way.

Regular interaction is the key to a vibrant, beneficial network. If you engage consistently, you’re more likely to be on someone’s mind when they come across an opportunity that suits you. It makes your network more than just a list — it turns it into a community.

8. Leverage “People You May Know”

LinkedIn’s “People You May Know” is more than just a random list; it’s an algorithmic nudge pointing you toward individuals who could be meaningful additions to your network. Take time each week to browse through these suggestions. Don’t add people indiscriminately; select those who align with your career goals or interests.

When you decide to connect, always include a tailored message to start the relationship on the right foot. Maybe you’re both in the same industry or share mutual connections. Make it clear why you want to connect, setting the stage for a fruitful professional relationship.

9. Be consistent

Using LinkedIn sporadically won’t unlock its full potential. It’s vital to set aside specific periods each week — whether it’s a quick 15 minutes daily or a dedicated hour every Wednesday — to actively engage on the platform. Dive into posts, share your insights and reach out to potential connections.

This consistent engagement demonstrates your dedication to your professional network and your chosen field. As you maintain this regular rhythm, you’ll likely see enhanced visibility, a surge in connection requests, and a wider array of professional opportunities unfolding.

10. Use a message template

Having a message template can be a real time-saver, especially when you’re reaching out to multiple people. A good template covers the basics, making sure you hit key points like why you’re reaching out and what common ground you share.

But don’t just copy-paste the template for every connection request. Personalization is crucial for successful networking. Take a minute to tailor each message, referencing something specific about the person’s profile or work. This small effort can go a long way in making your interactions more meaningful.

11. Create visual content

The digital landscape is increasingly driven by visuals. Whether it’s a well-designed infographic, a dynamic video or a striking image, adding visual elements to your posts can boost engagement significantly. People naturally gravitate towards visual content, finding it easier to digest and remember.

Not only does it make your content stand out in a busy LinkedIn feed, but it also encourages shares, comments and deeper connections. Invest in creating or sourcing quality visuals to elevate your LinkedIn presence.

12. Mind your audience

Knowing your audience is crucial for successful networking on LinkedIn. The better you understand who you’re trying to connect with, the more targeted and effective your content can be. Consider their needs, pain points and interests when crafting posts or sharing articles.

But don’t just make assumptions. Use LinkedIn analytics to gauge how your posts are performing. Are people engaging? What’s resonating? Use this data to refine your strategy, ensuring that you’re hitting the mark and genuinely engaging your network.

13. Set a connection strategy

Jumping into LinkedIn networking without a plan is like sailing without a compass. It’s essential to have a clear connection strategy outlining who you want to connect with and why. Think about how each new connection can benefit your career or business goals, and what you can offer in return.

Having a well-defined strategy also helps you avoid common mistakes. Maybe you aimed to connect with 10 people in your field this month — did you do it? By setting your objectives and knowing what you’re looking to gain, you elevate the quality of your networking experience.

14. Go beyond job hunting

Many people think of LinkedIn as just a job search platform, but it offers so much more. It’s a powerful tool for professional development, gaining industry insights and connecting with like-minded professionals. Use it to follow thought leaders in your field, participate in relevant group discussions and even for recruiting if you’re in a hiring position.

So, while job hunting is a vital aspect of the platform, broaden your view. Dive into the various features and tools available to you, from learning courses to webinars, to make the most of LinkedIn’s capabilities.

15. Add keywords in profile

Boost the visibility of your LinkedIn profile by strategically integrating pertinent keywords. Reflect on the phrases or terms potential employers, peers or industry professionals might input when searching for someone with your specific skill set.

Then, seamlessly weave these selected keywords into various sections of your profile, such as the headline, summary and work experience. By doing so, you enhance your chances of appearing in search results, positioning yourself as a top candidate or valuable connection in your field.

16. Ask for recommendations

Nothing screams credibility like a well-worded recommendation from a colleague or a past employer. Don’t be shy; reach out and ask for them. Make it easy for the person by providing some context or specifying what aspects of your work you’d like highlighted. This ensures that the recommendation is both authentic and relevant.

However, this is a two-way street. Offering to give a recommendation in return is not only polite but also encourages a culture of communal support. It’s a win-win that enriches both your profile and your network.

17. Turn followers into connections

If someone is following you on LinkedIn, they’re essentially raising their hand, saying they find your content valuable. It’s a relationship half-built. Take the next step by inviting them to connect. Use a personalized message that acknowledges their interest in your work or field.

By converting followers into official LinkedIn connections, you not only increase your network size but also its quality. Now these followers can easily engage with all your updates, amplifying your reach and deepening those professional relationships.

18. Stay active

Don’t let your LinkedIn profile gather digital dust. Consistency is crucial for staying on the radar of your network. Make it a habit to regularly post updates, share articles or contribute to discussions that align with your industry or interests.

Being active isn’t just about broadcasting your own messages; it’s about interaction too. Engage with your connections by commenting on their posts, celebrating their milestones or even sharing their content. This keeps you visible and positions you as a proactive member of your professional community.

19. Reach out to alumni

LinkedIn’s alumni tool is an underrated gem. It allows you to easily discover people who share your educational background, offering a common ground for initiating conversations. Just navigate to your school’s LinkedIn page, and you’ll find a list of alumni which you can then filter by industry, location or other criteria.

Don’t just stop at sending a connection request; make it memorable. Include a personalized message that references your shared educational experience. It’s a straightforward but effective way to begin a relationship that could benefit your career in the long run.

20. Promote your LinkedIn URL

Your LinkedIn profile is a valuable tool, so ensure it gets the visibility it deserves. Actively promote your personalized LinkedIn URL, incorporating it into your business cards, including it in your email signatures and featuring it on other social profiles or personal websites.

This proactive approach not only eases the connection process for those you meet but also shines a spotlight on your professional achievements and expertise. Sharing your URL can unlock doors, fostering more meaningful relationships and opening up unexpected career paths.

Mistakes to avoid when networking on LinkedIn

Look, we’ve all been there — trying to grow our network on LinkedIn and somehow stepping on a rake or two along the way. So, what are these pitfalls that could mess up your networking game in 2024? Let’s dig into five common mistakes you should steer clear of.

1. Spamming people

We’ve all been flooded with generic messages that clearly have no personal touch. It’s annoying, right? That’s why spamming is a big no-no in successful LinkedIn networking.

If your strategy includes mass messages with little to no customization, you’re doing it wrong. Use a message template as a starting point, but always tailor your messages. Personalizing your reach-outs will help you avoid the spam label and make people more likely to engage with you.

2. Ignoring your audience

Growing your network isn’t just a numbers game; it’s also about who those numbers represent. Imagine you’re in tech, but you keep posting articles about agriculture. Doesn’t make much sense, does it?

Being in tune with your audience is vital for effective networking. Always consider who’s on the other end when sharing content or making connections. Adapt your strategy to meet their expectations and needs. After all, effective communication is a two-way street, and being audience-centric elevates your LinkedIn game.

3. Neglecting your profile

Think of your LinkedIn profile as your digital handshake; you want it to be firm and memorable. An incomplete or outdated profile is like leaving someone hanging in that handshake — awkward and unimpressive.

Invest time to make your profile robust. Add a crisp professional photo, outline your job history, and nail that summary. The more complete and engaging your profile is, the more likely you are to attract meaningful connections.

4. Not following up

Hey, remember that excitement when you make a new connection? Don’t let it fizzle out.

Keeping the relationship warm is crucial, whether you’re networking for business, recruiting or trying to land that dream job. A quick “thank you” message or a casual “how are you?” every so often can make all the difference. It’s all about active engagement. So, make it a habit to follow up and nurture those relationships; it will pay off in the long run.

5. Treating LinkedIn like other social networks

LinkedIn is your professional arena, not a playground for casual social updates. While sharing personal achievements is fine, party pics or memes don’t belong here.

Focus on what this platform was made for: growing your professional network, recruiting talent or seeking new opportunities. The content you share should be valuable, educational or insightful in a way that elevates your professional brand. It’s not just about having an audience; it’s about having the right kind of engagement that furthers your career.


Ever get bogged down with questions while networking on LinkedIn? You’re not alone. Let’s tackle five burning questions you might have.

How can I get 500+ connections faster on LinkedIn?

Speeding up your LinkedIn connections count might be tempting, but focus on quality over quantity. Don’t just click “Connect” at random; use the job search feature to increase networking and create a message template to make meaningful connections. Trust me, quality always trumps quantity.

How can I get 100 LinkedIn connections?

The first 100 can be a mix of colleagues, friends and industry professionals. Use personalized messages, and be active in groups related to your field. Keep your audience in mind and avoid common mistakes like spamming.

How important is having 500 connections on LinkedIn?

The number 500 has long been seen as a LinkedIn milestone, a point at which you’re perceived as a more credible, connected professional. But while having a broad network is beneficial, the quality of that network matters more.

Instead of obsessing over reaching 500 connections, focus on fostering genuine relationships. Engage with your network, share valuable content and participate in relevant discussions. A smaller, more active network can often be more beneficial than simply hitting a numerical target.

What are 1st, 2nd and 3rd connections?

On LinkedIn, 1st connections are people you’re directly connected to, while 2nd connections are connected to your 1st connections, and 3rd are one step further. Networking closer to your circle (1st and 2nd) is usually more effective for recruiting or landing a job.

Should I use LinkedIn for social networking?

LinkedIn is a professional platform, so keep it that way. While it falls under social networking, the socializing here should be more business-oriented. Think of it as a digital networking event, not a friend reunion.

Key takeaways

Wrapping up, let’s recap what you’ve just unpacked into some easy-to-remember points for networking on LinkedIn in 2024:

  • Quality over quantity. No need to race to 500+ connections. What matters more is the value each connection brings to your network.
  • Personalization is key. Ditch the generic message templates. Customized messages not only stand out but also open the door for meaningful interactions.
  • Know your audience. When it comes to sharing content or crafting your LinkedIn strategy, always keep your target audience in mind.
  • Active engagement. Connections are just the starting line. Consistent interaction keeps your network vibrant and can even turn followers into strong professional allies.
  • Remember that LinkedIn isn’t Instagram. Keep the casual selfies and random shares for other social platforms; LinkedIn is your professional storefront.

There’s no magic formula for successful networking, but these tips offer a solid foundation. Whether you’re looking to grow your network, get a job or excel in recruiting, these strategies will help you navigate LinkedIn effectively. Now go on, start connecting, and see the impact on your professional journey.

Got a question? Let us know in the comments section below.

Originally published on June 5, 2017.