The 15 Most Popular Post-COVID Jobs

The demand for these fast-growing careers is expected to soar in the post-pandemic world.

Reviewed by Chris Leitch

Product photographer and data analyst popular post-covid jobs

The world as we know it has changed irrevocably in the past few years following the COVID-19 pandemic, and it’s clear from emerging research that the way we think of our careers has changed too.

In our 2021 study “Pursuit of Viable Careers, Post-Covid”, we collated data from CareerHunter test-takers to analyze these emerging trends. In the study, we discovered that 8 in 10 people were suited for careers that demand personality traits such as analytical behavior and compassion. Careers in art and design, as well as marketing and advertising, ranked the highest, with the least preferred being careers in agriculture, manufacturing and the military.

Where we were once encouraged by teamwork, we’re now more interested in independent work; and where we were once driven by competition at work, we’re now thinking more about individualistic factors, such as our own personal development and growth.

So, how has the post-pandemic world altered our career interests? And what jobs are expected to become popular as a result? Let’s take a look.

1. Product photographer

Product photographer

Average salary: $48,210

With the boom in online shopping following the global social distancing restrictions and lockdown periods, it’s no wonder that the need for product photographers and stock images skyrocketed as more businesses set out to create e-shops. As such, companies have also realized the importance of high-quality images and have started hiring product photographers to capture their products.

2. Graphic designer

Graphic designer

Average salary: $59,970

On a similar note, the need for graphic designers following the pandemic has grown. A survey by 99designs found that 98% of surveyed graphic designers are optimistic about where the industry is headed in the next 10 years, and it’s clear that the need for top-quality graphics in an ever-evolving online world is a must. Whether it’s simply creating logos or designing a full marketing campaign, the work will keep on rolling in for graphic designers.

3. Web developer

Web developer

Average salary: $81,320

If the pandemic has taught us one thing, it’s that the old brick-and-mortar buildings of the past are no longer required to run a successful business. We all have adapted (because we had to!), and many companies are choosing to keep their businesses running solely online.

This is where web developers come in.

With many companies realizing the power of a good website, there will be higher competition, meaning they’ll be updating and investing more into their online presence and brand identity.

4. Data analyst

Data analyst

Average salary: $108,660

Data, and how we process it, is crucial in the new post-COVID world. Companies that invested in data analytics and AI throughout the pandemic recognized their importance in order to safeguard their future success.

However, 55% of respondents in a Google-commissioned survey stated that they’d delayed or canceled at least one technology project due to the pandemic, and now they’re realizing their mistake, with company leaders beginning to understand how critical data is to their organization’s success. So, if you’re interested in becoming a data scientist, now’s the time to do it.

5. Business analyst

Business analyst

Average salary: $100,530

Now, more than ever, companies are investing in business analysts to help boost sales and to keep things running smoothly. Typical duties include creating new marketing strategies, managing and supporting the marketing team, and lead generation, as well as providing specialist training and advice.

6. Mental health specialist

Mental health specialist

Average salary: $53,490

A study by Mind (PDF) discovered that despite the global pandemic easing, many people are still struggling with their mental health and are suffering from burnout.

With 8 in 10 workers claiming they struggle to remain calm in the workplace after COVID-19, employers are beginning to invest in their employees’ wellbeing by making mental health initiatives a priority. As a result, mental health specialists are seeing a steep incline in their job prospects. So, if you have the necessary social and interpersonal skills, this could be a lucrative career path for you.

7. Teacher


Average salary: $65,990

During the pandemic, we all got to experience the challenges of teaching our beloved offspring through home-schooling. For me, it was definitely a challenge, but if you’re passionate about teaching, then now is a great time to look into becoming a teacher. For this role, you’ll need to acquire a bachelor’s degree and complete training through a teacher education program.

8. Market research analyst

Market research analyst

Average salary: $76,080

People’s buying habits have also changed in the post-pandemic world. Before COVID-19, you might have wandered into a store to pick up some groceries, whereas now you’re more than likely looking for places that offer curb-side pickup or home delivery services.

Analyzing market trends is key for every business, which is why there’s sure to be an increase in the need for market research analysts post-COVID.

9. Virtual assistant

Virtual assistant

Average salary: $41,080

Another role that’s growing exponentially post-COVID is the that of a virtual assistant. The role involves supporting clients with administrative tasks, managing social media accounts, writing blogs, researching, and reporting data. The key consideration here is that a virtual assistant is a remote role, which means they have greater flexibility as self-employed professionals.

10. Remote team manager

Remote team manager

Average salary: $63,080

Before the pandemic, remote work wasn’t the norm and was only an option in exceptional circumstances. Now, however, it’s a common practice that is here to stay.

But how can managers fully support their teams when they’re based all around the world? This is where a remote team manager comes in. The role involves managing and efficiently coordinating remote teams, keeping them energized and upping productivity across the board.

11. Phlebotomist


Average salary: $38,450

Following the pandemic, there’s been a surge in the need for phlebotomists, among other biology-related healthcare positions. The reason for this is believed to be due to employee burnout and staffing shortages. LinkedIn, meanwhile, reported 2.7 times more job postings requesting phlebotomists on their job boards in Q1 of 2022, compared to Q4 in 2021.

So, if you’re not squeamish and happy to work with blood, this might be an option for you to consider.

12. Bookkeeper


Average salary: $45,140

Are you good at keeping track of your finances? If you are (unlike me), then you could make a good bookkeeper. You’d be responsible for keeping track of a company’s incoming and outgoing funds, as well as preparing their accounts. LinkedIn also showed that job postings increased for accountants this year, too, meaning it’s a good time to look into becoming a bookkeeper.

13. Cake decorator

Cake decorator

Average salary: $32,300

Unsurprisingly, with the number of weddings that had to be postponed due to the pandemic, there’s been a surge in the post-COVID wedding industry. Cake decorators, in particular, have been raking in the bookings, with some booked out for months in advance. If you’re handy with a whisk and love decorating cakes, this could be a great post-COVID job for you.

14. Warehouse worker

Warehouse worker

Average salary: $34,950

Due to staff shortages, warehouse and distribution specialists are in demand. The job postings for warehouse and logistic operatives on LinkedIn doubled in 2022, compared to 2021. However, this job requires you to be on your feet for long periods and is an active and physical job, so bear this in mind if you’re considering this role.

15. Wind turbine service technician

Wind turbine service technician

Average salary: $58,580

With the soaring energy prices, it’s no surprise that there’s an increase in demand for wind turbine service technicians. Renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar power, not only help the environment but also provide a great number of environmental jobs for people. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, wind turbine service technicians are expected to be the second fastest-growing profession between 2020 and 2030, so it’s a booming industry and the right time to get involved!

Final thoughts

So, there you have it. These post-pandemic jobs are expected to soar in the next few years. If you’re considering a career change, now is the time! The most important thing is to assess your existing skillset so you can see which roles suit your skills, interests and personality.

There are many career tests out there to help you with this, like our own test over at CareerHunter. Once you’ve got a better understanding of suitable careers for you, it’s time to star applying. Find a job that makes you happy, because if the pandemic has taught us one thing, it’s that life is too short to be miserable.

Got a question? Surprised to see any of these jobs on our list, and shocked others didn’t make the cut? Let us know in the comments section below.

Originally published on April 14, 2022.